Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Miniature American Shepherd

While waiting for photos on Sunday at the Des Moines show, we had the opportunity to watch the miscellaneous classes.  There were a few Berger Picards and several Miniature American Shepherds.  While watching the Miniature Am. Shepherds, I wondered what part of them was supposed to be miniature.  All I got from the exhibitors with dogs as big or bigger than some Australian Shepherds.  There were two that were noticably bigger than a 19" Aussie (just measured that weekend).  I finally got around to reading the standard and here is what it says about height:
Under 14 inches and over 18 inches for dogs; under 13 inches and over 17 inches for bitches. The minimum heights set forth in this breed standard shall not apply to dogs or bitches under six months of age.

Is this not the time to be eliminating dogs that are not within the standard for a new breed?  I wish someone had a really nice Miniature American Shepherd that I could show.  I would be calling a wicket on those giants, because you can't do anything from outside the ring.  I would like to see more judges taking this seriously.  The people that really worked hard to develop a new breed and write that standard would want them to DQ a dog that is over or under sized.  C'mon judges, don't worry about who you piss off or disappoint, if the dog should be disqualified, then do it!