Thursday, February 11, 2016

Is Facebook Advertising? OF COURSE IT IS!!!!

We received the following comment on one of our recent puppy picture posts:  
‘Facebook is not the place to place dogs!!!’

To the comment maker, that I do not know: 
You are entitled to your opinion.  If you had a problem directly with me, or my post, you should have sent me a private message.  Because you chose to post your comment to/about my posts publicly, you left me with two choices:  1.  Respond publicly, and acknowledge that I actually saw your comment.  2.  Ignore it.   And I rarely ignore the first comment, if I see it, but I will not get into a pissing contest.

Contrary to the way some people behave on facebook, it is not the place to air private disagreements.

Since most people who sell puppies, have to meet the purchasers somewhere, and people who buy puppies have to find them somewhere, where would you suggest?  The AKC website?  Your own private website - aided by Google ad words? A magazine?  Word of mouth through friends? - aka FACEBOOK!  

OR...Would you rather they strolled through the mall and bought one at the local Pet Store?  Maybe the parking lot of the local Walmart?

Just because someone contacts me about a puppy of mine they saw on facebook, does NOT mean that they will get to buy that, or any puppy, from me.  Ask anyone who has, it’s not an easy process, as this is not just a ‘puppy sale’ it is a lifetime placement, and the puppy they want, may not be the best match for them.  It might be a puppy, or adult, that a friend has.  And without my facebook post, they would have not made the connection with another breeder who can actually add the right member to their family. 

Is letting people know that you have puppies available any more of desire to ‘get your message out’ than posting pictures of your dogs and their current wins to make sure that the judge you have next week sees it?  Or to show off to people who may want to breed to your dog, so that they see that he has done even more winning?

Showing off our puppies, advertising a dog at stud, and bragging about our wins is something that is done on Facebook, in magazines - whether in a feature article or a paid advertisement, and on websites, including the American and Canadian Kennel Club websites. 

While you are entitled to your opinion, if you had a problem directly with me, you should have sent me a private message.  Because you chose to post your comment to/about my posts publicly, you left me with two choices:  1.  Respond publicly, and acknowledge that I actually saw your comment.  2.  Ignore it.   

Until you never brag about something you have done, in any of those mediums, GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE, and leave me alone. - darlene scheiris

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