Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Bithday Dave !!!! and Happy Anniverary Too !!!

An Ode To Dave


You are so very special, in almost every way.

What to give the man who doesn't see his worth
On this day when we celebrate your birth.

Money doesn't faze you,
Toys are kind of nice,
What about jewelry with a big chunk of ice?

It must be something special,
that no one can duplicate.
What could be that great?

What would you remember for years to come?
So many presents can be kind of dumb.

Oh, yeah, I remember now,
I gave you that present on this day in 2004.

We married in a beautiful chapel
and celebrated with friends.
When they asked "what about the honeymoon?"
we just had to laugh.
There were dogs to care for, maybe a little time to spoon.

No ulterior motive, presents for you, presents for me...
But at least you'll always remember our anniversary!

You are the love of my life. 
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary.
Love always,