Sunday, September 23, 2012

US Neopolitan Club National Specialty, September 22, 2012

Brutessa - Best of Opposite
Thank You Judge Andrea Spiriev

(Incorporated with Spirit of the Heartland KC)

Note about this Judge:  She had absolutely no control of her ring and no ring management skills.  Yes, she is from another country, but it is up to the club to ensure that the judges they hire know how to manage their rings.  The Group order and then later the other Neo specialty had to be changed to accommodate her shortcomings.  The specials dogs and bitches went around the ring a minimum of 13 TIMES !!!  Even GSDs aren't asked to do this.  The Neos are not a breed that has this much stamina.  

It was a sad looking group by the end of breed judging.  Oh, the dogs didn't look great either.  The judge was allotted 1 hour and 35 minutes for judging Neos.  

They were still in the ring 2 hours and 45 minutes later.  An entry of 38 plus 2 Veterans, and 1 brood bitch.  The ring steward was doing everything they could to help expedite things, but the judge was just not with the game plan, especially when she did not physically examine the specials.  When the AKC rep was called to the ring, the judge then went and 'petted' each dog.  NOT ACCEPTABLE.