Saturday, July 11, 2015

Politically Correct? I am confused.

I just saw a commercial for a dating site called

I am confused.   I don't have a problem with it as the title says what it is, and will/should attract only the people who want to join,


If it was, wouldn't somebody be taking somebody to court?

Just sayin'…

Maybe I am still shaking my head over the fact that a black woman is trying to sue the nail salon that I go to for discrimination!  She walked in late Friday afternoon, July 3.  No appointment, salon was totally packed.  Owner says cannot take you right now, come back in about an hour, or you can wait an hour here.  OK, fine.  BUT a white woman walked in WITH an appointment and he checked her in.  The black woman is accusing him of discrimination.  CRAZY.  The Friday of a Holiday weekend, the place is packed and you do not have an appointment.  MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE CALLED FIRST!  I always do. 


Maybe I am still shaking my head of the issues over the Confederate Flag.  One idiot wraps himself in it and shoots people.  It represents a big part in the history of the US.  One you may or may not be proud of, but part of the history - none the less.  

Another example of the US trying to appease a few by making us all 'the same.'  WAKE UP PEOPLE…WE ARE NOT THE SAME…AND PROUD OF IT… SAMENESS CAN BE VERY BORING AND SCARY.