Saturday, August 6, 2016


SERIOUSLY PEOPLE?  You have nothing better to do than find someone to pick on?  Why does it have to be my husband?  He has done nothing to you, except maybe beat you in the ring.  And not a whole lot of that going on this weekend anyway!!!  He has helped more of you than I can count, and many time against my wishes.  
You need to remember that he is the nice one…not me.  

Someone complained that Dave had dogs out barking unattended at 4 AM yesterday.  They also said that his expens were FULL OF POOP.

1.     IF a puppy needed out at 4 AM they would NEVER have been unattended, and never left to bark. 
2.    Dave did not get up until his alarm went off at 5:30, the dogs were probably out by 5:45, the puppies probably let out a few barks.  DID YOU KNOW YOU WERE AT A DOG SHOW?  They were not barking incessantly, nor were they unattended.  
3.     For one thing the dogs go out on racks, and are not walked or allowed on the ground at this due to dirt, ick, fire ants, and other bugs.  There is a grass mat under the expens, so cleanup when we leave is easier.  We pay attention to our dogs when they are out, quite unlike the numerous people who do not and have gotten dogs killed or injured due to their negligence. 
4.     Our dogs are not out on the ground so that they can pee and step in it or poop and step in it.  
5.     The rack does not have big enough holes for the poop to all go through so it is still essential that it be cleaned after every dog goes so that they don't step in anything left by the previous dog. 
6.     After the complaint was brought to Dave's attention, he went back to his room, checked the pens, and you know what?  THERE WERE 2 ITTY BITTY PIECES OF POOP THAT HAD FALLEN THROUGH THE RACK THAT HE MISSED, AND 1 SMALL PIECE IN A CORNER THAT HE DIDN'T SEE.  

1 SQUARE INCH of poop in 59 SQUARE FEET of expen.   I wouldn't call that FULL OF SHIT!  I have seen more poop in some people's crates at Nationals, worse at other shows.  To the point where I wanted to complain, but realize that something must have been urgent that they missed that.  Sure enough, for the most part, the crates were clean the rest of the time.

We are the dog people who leave hotel rooms and grounds cleaner than we found them, and try to make things as invisible as possible so that hotels continue to accept dogs.


Now, YOU PETTY INSIGNIFICANT INSECTS, start worrying about your own dogs, and leave us the f**k alone!

If you want something to worry about, how about the old biddie who has no problem with puppies dying, or the one who spays & neuters whole litters of puppies at 6 weeks of age, then starts putting them down at 8 weeks because they aren't "as outgoing and friendly as puppies should be."  

Stop picking on the man who just wants the best for this breed.  The man who loaned tables and expens to someone who's vehicle broke down and had to leave equipment behind because it wouldn't fit in the rental care.  Stop picking on the man who loaned a table to someone who forgot theirs, and to someone else who needed one.  Stop picking on the man, who, when he realized I overbooked paid reserved grooming space - gave some away, asking nothing in return.  Stop picking on the man who offered a ringside table to someone else who needed it.  Stop picking on the man who let people other people use his big dryer because they had a bunch of wet dogs and were trying do them them all with a hand-held people hair dryer.  Dave didn't know most of these people at all, but they needed help and he stepped in.  He does this at every show.  As I said before, this has been much to my chagrin, because he sometimes helps others then realizes he has spend more time with them than he should have on his own dogs.  Then he will call me and you can hear it in his voice how proud he was to help when they won that day and were thrilled.  THAT IS THE MAN YOU KEEP ATTACKING, AND I AM SICK OF IT!!!